Cell-phone/Whatsapp: +86-156 1007 5118        terry@xgzbuildings.com   +86-15610075118

  • What is your annual production capacity ?

    Steel structure materials : 50,000 Tons;




    Poultry house:150,000 m2;




    Container house:3,000 sets;


    Prefab- house:100,000 m2

  • What is your corporate strength ?

    Registered capitals: USD$5 Million; 

    Employees : >700;

    Engineers: >50; 

    Factory Size:5- factories, areas total 145,000 square meters.

  • Which port do you use for delivery ?which kind of trade term...

    Our delivery port is Qingdao Port. FOB,CRF, CIF and EXW terms will be acceptable.
  • steel structure buildings FAQ

    1. What is steel prefabricated house mean and made of?
    RE: Steel prefabricated houses are made of high grade painted steel frame/structure as strong  skeleton and lined with sandwich panel as wall and roof, these are pre-designed and manufactured in the factory and later assembled on site.

    2. Is it safe and can suit to any kind of stringent weather conditions?
    RE: Our houses could resistant earthquake, wind, snow, etc.

    3. Can you supply design service?
    RE: Yes.also supply design service.

    4. What is the payment terms?
    RE: a) T/T, 30% deposit and other payment  will be payed when you receive the ocean bill.
    b) 100% L/C at sight

    5. How long is delivery?
    RE: Generally, the delivery time of sandwich panel is within 7 days; and 30 days for prefabricated house. The exact delivery time should depend on the quantity and confirm with factories.

    If you have interest in our products,pls connect us with no hesitate.We are sure any of your inquiry will get our prompt reply.
  • Prefabricated Steel Building Cost In China

    Prefabricated Steel Building Costs in China:

    Types of Prefabricated Steel Buildings

          Above all, let’s think about the versatility of these structures. Prefabricated steel buildings can be used for most any commercial company. Some examples include:

        Light Industrial Factories
        Fabricating Factories
        Warehouse buildings
        Shopping Centers
        Office Buildings
        Workshop buildings
        Horse arena
        Sports center

    Obviously , prefabricated steel building are well suited for all kinds of applications in the commercial industry. But, each of these facilities requirements you to consider some of factors that will affect your bottom line. Let’s consider some of these basic elements that help to the cost of your project.Average Estimated CostsWhile the prices of every these facilities can fluctuate based on region, supplier, and the price of raw materials, the following will give you a rough idea what to expect when calculating the costs of your future steel building project:

    Steel staructure with metal sheet cladding - According to the unit weight cost about $25-$80 per Sqm.

    Foundation - A concrete slab foundation is going to cost in the range of $11-$15 per Sqm, excluding excavation.
    Assemblage - For everything you’ll need, including labor, to erect your structure, it should cost about $20-$40 per square meter.
    Plumbing - Factor in about $10-$20 per square meter to have your plumbing installed. Electrical - Plan on about $12-$26 per square meter for electrical installation and materials.
    Insulation - In order to keep your place well insulated, plan to spend about $1.2-$2.50 per square meter.

    Are you considering using a prefabricated steel building for your next project? Find out more information by downloading free catalogues.


    On the morning of November 4th, a group of 20 people including government officials and business friends from the National Ministry of Road and Bridge of South Sudan visited XGZ group discussing “the belt and road” friendly cooperation.

    Haibo Zhang, the administrative vice minister of united front work department of Pingdu municipal government and Zhikai Dong, the Pingdu municipal council for promotion of trade, were invited to attend this conference and have a detailed introduction to  visiting guests from South Sudan regarding the economic development situation and international development situation of local enterprises.

    XGZ group gave a detailed introduction to visiting guests regarding the cooperation projects situation during the development process of “the Belt and Road” and also introduced cooperation projects’ information of more than 80 countries all over the world in detail,especially for the South Sudan project.At the same time, the foreign guests conducted detailed questions and exchanges on projects that XGZ group has cooperated with South Sudan.

    The visiting representatives of South Sudan conducted in-depth exchanges and  communication with the representative of Chinese delegation on the development environment of the enterprise and the future development cooperation in South Sudan.

    After the enthusiastic communication with each other, the representatives of South Sudan visited Qingdao Xinguangzheng Steel Structure Co.,Ltd. accompanied by Xiaolei Zhang, the general manager of XGZ, who introduced again the cooperation projects’ information of more than 80 countries all over the world in detail, especially for the 30 African countries.

    dvanced management mode and technology as well as on-site operation management capabilities were highly praised by foreign guests.

    During the visiting, all guests had a great interest in the poultry chicken house and supporting equipment, and expressed their willingness to cooperate with XGZ in the future. 

    Qingdao Xinguangzheng Steel Structure Co., Ltd, founded in 1997, is now the first steel structure listed company (New OTC Market) of Qingdao after a 20-year stable development.XGZ has achieved EN1090 Certification (CE) and Global normal steel structure advanced certificate (EXC-3).XGZ has now become a high-tech, diversified and export-oriented international private enterprise integrating R&D, design, production, installation construction and service.Our partners are from Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Brazil, England, America, Algeria,Ethiopia,etc., more than 80 countries all over the world.

  • Why is January called“ January”

    If you were asked to pick which month is most often associated with deep reflection, you’d probably choose January. Known for recaps and resolutions, the new year starts with retrospection (as we bemoan past regrets and celebrate successes), then moves forward with hopes for the year ahead!

    So, in January, we’re all a little bit like Janus, the Roman deity for whom the month is named. He is the god of doorways, beginnings, and the rising and setting of the sun. In fact, the Latin jānus means “doorway, archway, arcade.”

    There were many such gateways in Rome where ceremonial entrances and exits were made, especially for the departure of the army on an expedition. As the god of transitions, Janus is often depicted with two heads that face in opposite directions, looking to both the future and the past.

    But, what does that have to do with the name January …

    What does Janus-faced mean? 

    First, we have to start with Janus-faced, weird we know.

    This ancient deity has found his way into modern English in more ways than one. And as you might expect, his other lexical contributions are not entirely straightforward.

    The versatile word Janus-faced can refer to someone or something’s capricious or seemingly contradictory nature, or it can be used with a more negative undertone to describe someone as deceitful and, well, two-faced.

    What’s a Janus word?

    The two faces of Janus are also evident in the term Janus word, which refers to “a word that has opposite or nearly opposite meanings, such as cleave and dust.” To cleave something can mean to adhere closely to that thing, but it can also mean to split, divide, or cut off.  As a verb, dust can refer to the removal of dust, or the addition of it. (Think “dust the cookies with confectioners’ sugar.”)

    So you see, duality is embedded into all of Janus’s words, including the very language we use to talk about the beginning of the calendar year: January.

    If you’re feeling pulled in two different directions at this time of transition, take comfort in the fact that, at least from a linguistic perspective, it’s to be expected!

  • 世界各国电话区号一览 A list of the world’s telephone area codes

    + 1:美国
    + 1:加拿大
    + 1-264:安圭拉岛
    + 1-268:安提瓜和巴布达
    + 1-242:巴哈马
    + 1-246:巴巴多斯
    + 1-441:百慕大
    + 1-284:英属维京群岛
    + 1-345:开曼群岛
    + 1-684:美属萨摩亚
    + 1-767:多米尼克
    + 1-809:多米尼加共和国
    + 1-473:格林纳达
    + 1-876:牙买加
    + 1-664:蒙特塞拉特
    + 1-787/1-939:波多黎各
    + 1-869:圣基茨和尼维斯
    + 1-758:圣卢西亚
    + 1-784:圣文森特和格林纳丁斯
    + 1-868:特立尼达和多巴哥
    + 1-649:特克斯和凯科斯群岛
    + 1-340:美属维京群岛
    + 1-671:关岛
    + 1-670:北马里亚纳群岛
    + 20 --埃及
    + 211 --南苏丹
    + 212 --摩洛哥
    + 213 --阿尔及利亚
    + 216 --突尼斯
    + 218 --利比亚
    + 220 --冈比亚
    + 221 --塞内加尔
    + 222 --毛里塔尼亚
    + 223 --马里
    + 224 --几内亚
    + 225 --科特迪瓦
    + 226 --布基纳法索
    + 227 --尼日尔
    + 228 --多哥
    + 229 --贝宁
    + 230 --毛里求斯
    + 231 --利比里亚
    + 232 --塞拉利昂
    + 233 --加纳
    + 234 --尼日利亚
    + 235 --乍得
    + 236 --中非共和国
    + 237 --喀麦隆
    + 238 --佛得角
    + 239 --圣多美和普林西比
    + 240 --赤道几内亚
    + 241 --加蓬
    + 242 --刚果共和国(布)
    + 243 --刚果民主共和国(金)
    + 244 --安哥拉
    + 245 --几内亚比绍
    + 246 -- 迪戈加西亚
    + 247 --阿森松岛
    + 248 --塞舌尔
    + 249 --苏丹
    + 250 --卢旺达
    + 251 --埃塞俄比亚
    + 252 --索马里
    + 253 --吉布提
    + 254 --肯尼亚
    + 255 --坦桑尼亚
    + 256 --乌干达
    + 257 --布隆迪
    + 258 --莫桑比克
    + 259 -- 桑给巴尔
    + 260 --赞比亚
    + 261 --马达加斯加
    + 262 --留尼汪
    + 263 --津巴布韦
    + 264 --纳米比亚
    + 265 --马拉维
    + 266 --莱索托
    + 267 --博茨瓦纳
    + 268 --斯威士兰
    + 269 --科摩罗和马约特
    + 27 --南非
    + 290 --圣赫勒拿
    + 291 --厄立特里亚
    + 297 --阿鲁巴
    + 298 --法罗群岛
    + 30 --希腊
    + 31 --荷兰
    + 32 --比利时
    + 33 --法国
    + 34 --西班牙
    + 350 --直布罗陀
    + 351 --葡萄牙
    + 352 --卢森堡
    + 353 --爱尔兰
    + 354 --冰岛
    + 355 --阿尔巴尼亚
    + 356 --马耳他
    + 357 --塞浦路斯
    + 358 --芬兰
    + 359 --保加利亚
    + 36 --匈牙利
    + 37 -- 东德
    + 370 --立陶宛
    + 371 --拉脱维亚
    + 372 --爱沙尼亚
    + 373 --摩尔多瓦
    + 374 --亚美尼亚
    + 375 --白俄罗斯
    + 376 --安道尔
    + 377 --摩纳哥
    + 378 -- 圣马力诺
    + 379 -- 梵蒂冈
    + 38 --南斯拉夫
    + 380 --乌克兰
    + 381 --塞尔维亚
    + 382 --黑山
    + 385 --克罗地亚
    + 386 --斯洛文尼亚
    + 387 --波黑
    + 388 --欧洲电话号码空间――环欧洲服务
    + 389 --马其顿
    + 40 --罗马尼亚
    + 41 --瑞士
    + 42 -- 捷克斯洛伐克
    + 420 --捷克共和国
    + 421 --斯洛伐克
    + 423 --列支敦士登
    + 43 --奥地利
    + 44 --英国
    + 45 --丹麦
    + 46 --瑞典
    + 47 --挪威
    + 48 --波兰
    + 500 --福克兰群岛
    + 501 --伯利兹
    + 502 --危地马拉
    + 503 --萨尔瓦多
    + 504 --洪都拉斯
    + 505 --尼加拉瓜
    + 506 --哥斯达黎加
    + 507 --巴拿马
    + 508 --圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛
    + 509 --海地
    + 51 --秘鲁
    + 52 --墨西哥
    + 53 --古巴
    + 54 --阿根廷
    + 55 --巴西
    + 56 --智利
    + 57 --哥伦比亚
    + 58 --委内瑞拉
    + 590 --瓜德罗普(含法属圣马丁和圣巴泰勒米岛)
    + 591 --玻利维亚
    + 592 --圭亚那
    + 593 --厄瓜多尔
    + 594 --法属圭亚那
    + 595 --巴拉圭
    + 596 --马提尼克
    + 597 --苏里南
    + 598 --乌拉圭
    + 599 -- 荷属安的列斯
    + 599 -- 荷属圣马丁
    + 60 --马来西亚
    + 61 --澳大利亚
    + 62 --印度尼西亚
    + 63 --菲律宾
    + 64 --新西兰
    + 65 --新加坡
    + 66 --泰国
    + 670 --东帝汶
    + 672 -- 澳大利亚海外领地:南极洲、圣诞岛、科科斯群岛、诺福克岛
    + 673 --文莱
    + 674 --瑙鲁
    + 675 --巴布亚新几内亚
    + 676 --汤加
    + 677 --所罗门群岛
    + 678 --瓦努阿图
    + 679 --斐济
    + 680 --帕劳
    + 681 --瓦利斯和富图纳群岛
    + 682 --库克群岛
    + 683 --纽埃
    + 685 --萨摩亚
    + 686 --基里巴斯,吉尔伯特群岛
    + 687 --新喀里多尼亚
    + 688 --图瓦卢,埃利斯群岛
    + 689 --法属波利尼西亚
    + 690 --托克劳群岛
    + 691 --密克罗尼西亚联邦
    + 7 --俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦
    + 81 -- 日本
    + 82 -- 韩国
    + 84 -- 越南
    + 850 -- 朝鲜
    + 852 -- 中国香港
    + 853 -- 中国澳门
    + 855 -- 柬埔寨
    + 856 -- 老挝
    + 86 -- 中国
    + 870 -- 国际海事卫星组织 "SNAC" 卫星电话
    + 878 -- 环球个人通讯服务
    + 880 -- 孟加拉国
    + 881 -- 移动卫星系统
    + 882 -- 国际网络
    + 90 --土耳其
    + 91 -- 印度
    + 92 -- 巴基斯坦
    + 93 --阿富汗
    + 94 --斯里兰卡
    + 95 --缅甸
    + 960 --马尔代夫
    + 961 --黎巴嫩
    + 962 --约旦
    + 963 --叙利亚
    + 964 --伊拉克
    + 965 --科威特
    + 966 --沙特阿拉伯
    + 967 --也门
    + 968 --阿曼
    + 969 -- 也门民主共和国
    + 970 -- 巴勒斯坦
    + 971 --阿拉伯联合酋长国
    + 972 --以色列
    + 973 --巴林
    + 974 --卡塔尔
    + 975 --不丹
    + 976 --蒙古
    + 977 --尼泊尔
    + 98 --伊朗
    + 992 --塔吉克斯坦
    + 993 --土库曼斯坦
    + 994 --阿塞拜疆
    + 995 --格鲁吉亚
    + 996 --吉尔吉斯斯坦
  • How can you get a quotation for your projects?

    You can chat with me anytime via Trade Manager to offer me your detail information or you can just fill out our questionaireand send back to us. We will give you the best quotation ASAP. Thanks for your kind cooperation.

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Qingdao Omiga Construction Engineering Co.,Ltd.


    Terry Lee
   +86-156 1007 5118
   +86-156 1007 5118
   No.17, Changjiang Road, Pingdu, Qingdao,Shandong Provience,China
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